Looking for office, light industrial, or retail space? Probably the most complete resource for on-line commercial listings is Commercial Exchange. However, there are numerous other sites such as Loopnet, Crexi, MichRIC, plus others that focus on specific property types like refrigerated storage or investments.
Why are we providing you with links to sites that would allow you to search for properties on your own? Our bet is that once you see how much time, effort and expertise are associated with finding the most suitable properties and then negotiating with the landlord, you will contact us to represent you and do it for you. Remember, we represent you at no out of pocket cost to you.
If the “do it yourself” search seems a bit daunting and you’d like some help, simply click the button below. You give us a few simple search parameters, and we’ll send you a custom summary of targeted listings with absolutely no obligation and no follow-up contact unless you ask for it.